Make a Fundred

Draw your unique Fundred Dollar Bill, mail it to the Fundred Collection Center and be part of the solution to prevent lead poisoning in cities across America. This nationwide drawing project will honor the value of your action. Make a Fundred! Make a difference!

Get the Fundred Dollar Bill template.

Download and print the template. You can also order pre-printed Fundred templates. 

Draw your Fundred.

Tag and share your Fundred on social media with #Fundred

Send in your Fundred(s)! 

Use the Fundred Bundle Bands to record:
Number of Bills
City and State

Please note: only one Fundred per person

General participation mail to:

The Fundred Reserve
P.O. Box 27327
Washington, DC  20038-7327

Chicago Fundred Initiative mail to:

Smart Museum of Art
Attn: Fundred Project
5550 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

How many Fundreds will you make? 

Register Here and Pledge Now
Your school can be added to our list of participating schools.
How invested will you be when the armored truck rolls in?

The Fundred counter and list of participating schools and organizations will be updated as Fundreds are received. Check out the interactive map to see how many bills have been collected in your state!

Helpful Downloads:
Fundred Participation Toolkit (pdf) project overview & participation guide
Lesson Plan (pdf) progression of lessons, and links to resources, that can be used in the classroom or in a workshop!
Multiple Bundle Bands (pdf) bundle and label up to 100 Fundreds 
Multiple Fundred Template (pdf) printer friendly version of 3 blank bill templates per page

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